For world peace, liberate Al-Aqsa, eliminate Israel and anyone who is with Israel, they are the real terrorists

First step for beginner blogger or newbie

Hello friend IcloudZer This time the admin will provide information about Blogger, such as what a beginner blogger should need to get started

Info: this content is available in the English version


To create content in blogger, what is needed is a Topic or what bloggers call a Niche What is a Niche, which is the core topic of all content or articles in a Blogger, For example there is a blog that discusses the Business Niche, then every article that is cut will not be far from the Niche about the Business

Mastering the elements of code

To become an expert in the field of blogger then you must master or recognize every basic element of code in blogger, what for? Yes, if you want to change an appearance in blogger then you don't need to hire a website design service

info: But don't worry, because in Blogger the priority is quality content

Learn SEO

Well to become an expert blogger, you must master or study SEO performance in blogger, such as studying blog performance and stability, learning to write permanent links, and partly

Writing Keywords

The following are important steps that you should know about writing in an article You must have a target word per word in search on Google for every word you write when posting an article on blogger

And you must use a language or word that has been popularly used by internet users, so that search engines will also find it easier to find your website to visit

Info Don't forget to always visit the Icloudice website to get the latest updates from us

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